Wednesday, April 27, 2005

GTD David Allen Organizational System

Recently have been trying GTD - Getting Things Done, by David Allen, bought the book after reading 43folders website. I am a busy retail manager and have tons of things to do and keep track of and was hoping the GTD would help. While I have not even finished the book I have recently implemented two things from the book and from the 42folders website.

Hipster PDA, or in my case the Ubiquitous Personal Analog Device, basically a stack of index cards, with a clip to hold them together to quickly get ideas from head to paper.

The second thing is separating To-Do lists into similar categories. I recently set up a notebook with two ruled columns and a title. I write down the overall focus of the page...for and all my training to dos go on that page only.

Plan-o-grams, all on a page, etc. The nice thing about this is that I can define the project on the page, list the next action, and keep all similar items on one single page. Advantage is in time savings. I can focus on one type of tasks at a time, increasing efficiency by focusing on just one category, usually knocking out several things at a time.

More as I go forward...but a start that has led me to be more productive so far...